Amazon e-Book Reader

Apr 24, 2007 08:29 GMT  ·  By

Given that Amazon sells tons of books over the Internet and they've already started selling their own "materials", it's no surprise they had a brainstorm and decided to follow the market's torturous path. The company is now revealing the e-book concept. Details about the "Kindle" reader have been made public before, but only recently some "concrete" information appeared on the surface of the web.

So, if you're one of those who like to read books, yet also want to be able to download your favorite title from a store on the Internet, then an e-book reader is what you probably need. It's not the first e-book to hit the shops though, but it's the first e-Book reader Amazon has to offer. Using this reader, e-books can be downloaded directly to you. The included Mobipocker software enables you to direct download rather than downloading to your computer and then copying the files to the reader. With its release due any time now, the reader may not be a hit considering its price. It's estimated to retail for, well, $400 (220 UK pounds). Anyway, the information about the type of Internet connection and the downloading process is still obscure. I'm only guessing you will be able to buy files through the Kindle itself.

Now, unless Amazon's e-Book reader will not feature some built-in device that could spice up your e-Book reader with some old book perfumes, you will definitely not enjoy reading stuff on this.

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