The app is compatible with Android tablets with displays between 7 and 10 inches

Apr 4, 2014 09:08 GMT  ·  By

Those of you who own an Android tablet should know that Amazon has updated the slate-specific app with a whole new bunch of features.

For example, from now on, users will be able to access Amazon’s Fresh grocery delivery through the app, so if you crave some fresh tomatoes, you can get some right from your tablet.

The only down-side is that the service is not available in every area, so there’s going to be a lot of Android tablet owners who can’t take advantage of this feat. But there’s other stuff that might interest them, too.

The update adds the possibility to pining items in search results to the bottom of the app, by simply dragging and dropping an item in search view. This feature will certainly be appreciated when a user is engaged in comparison shopping.

You will also notice a new pop-up filter in the search result, which makes it easier for you to find whatever you are looking for. The Amazon Shopping Cart, Wish List, Order History, Payment and Amazon Prime member shipping option functionalities are maintained.

The new release currently supports Android tablets that are 7-inch to 10-inch and boast resolution from 600 x 1024 to 1600 x 2560 pixels. Note you should have Android OS 4.0.3 and up to be able to use the app.