Maxis strikes lucky once again!

Jun 19, 2008 09:12 GMT  ·  By

You probably already know about the recently released Spore Creature Creator - a teaser from Maxis and Electronic Arts - that allows everybody to design and bring to life a little beast he or she will be able to use in the full game, when it gets released in September. What you probably don't know is the fact that this little demo was so popular that the official Spore website is now full of user-created content and the numbers keep growing by the second.

250,000 creatures were uploaded to the website during the first day, which means that two new creations were shared every second! What does this reveal? Well... first, the thing everybody already knew: Maxis has hit the Jackpot once again. Second, this means that the Spore universe will be so varied that we'll never risk running out of creatures. This is always good.

Another good thing regarding the future release of the game is that Maxis has already started to delete the more obscene creatures and warns users who upload them that their accounts might be disabled if they continue to disobey the rules. However, judging by how things are going at the moment, they will soon need an entire team to check through the creatures - and the game is not even released yet! It's just that popular!

"The response to the Spore Creature Creator has been overwhelming," said Lucy Bradshaw, executive producer at Maxis. "The creativity and passion that the community is putting into their creatures is spectacular. The development team has spent the last 24 hours checking out the amazing creations racing in from all corners of the globe - with peak volume hitting more than 1000 creatures being shared a minute."

If you want to know a bit more about the recently released Creature Creator demo or download it, you can check our "one hour with" feature here.