Cuttlefish use colors to mesmerize their next meal

Sep 7, 2012 08:15 GMT  ·  By

We just stumbled upon this video showing how, before going for the kill, cuttlefish put on an amazing light show to mesmerize their prey, thus leaving it more vulnerable to their attacks.

In all fairness, few of this creature's favorite dishes could survive the two deadly tentacles heading towards them, yet using hypnosis as an additional weapon seems to give the hunt a little more class.

Also, cuttlefish only live for about one or two years, so why waste time tracking down and ambushing prey when one can easily get it to stop moving with the help of colors and patterns.

Needless to point out, these fascinating creatures run as much risk as other marine animals do if efforts are not made to protect marine ecosystems from the effects of pollution and climate change.