There are no plans for single-player tombs to be added to the game

Mar 20, 2013 12:38 GMT  ·  By

The recently released Tomb Raider reboot will only receive multiplayer DLC, according to developer Crystal Dynamics, as there are currently no plans to add special single-player tombs to the game.

Tomb Raider fans were really impressed with the recent title as not only did it bring a new version of protagonist Lara Croft but also brought forth a great adventure that saw her survive and explore a mysterious island.

Now, after the release of the first DLC for the game in the form of the Caves and Cliffs pack that brought three new multiplayer maps, Crystal Dynamics' Karl Stewart mentioned on Reddit that all upcoming add-ons for the game would focus on the multiplayer.

"There are currently no plans in place for any single player expansions," Stewart said. "All of our DLC is based around the multiplayer experience for now."

As such, don't expect any single-player bonus tombs to appear for the impressive game.