Even Google is said to be actively discussing the release of such apps

Jul 27, 2013 10:53 GMT  ·  By

Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia is betting big on Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform, and appears committed to making the OS as appealing as possible to all users out there.

One of the steps it takes in this direction involves bringing all major applications that are already available on other platforms to the Windows Phone OS, and it seems that it is convinced that this will happen sooner rather than later.

According to a recent article on Engadget, in Nokia’ view, the question is not whether specific apps will become available on Windows Phone as well, but when that would happen.

Bryan Biniak, VP and general manager of global partner and app development at Nokia, told the news site that the number of applications available for the platform is growing fast, thus making Windows Phone a more competitive OS.

While there still are some drawbacks, all popular applications currently available on Android and iOS will make it to Microsoft’s operating system, Bryan Biniak said.

“We're not having a single conversation with anybody, of any material application that's out there, that isn't going to be coming to the platform,” Biniak reportedly stated.

“It's not a matter of if -- I had those conversations, the ‘if’ conversations, before -- all of our conversations now are ‘when’,” he continued.

In fact, he also said that, before the end of this year, most of the major apps from these platforms will be available on Windows Phone, or will be almost ready for deployment.

“By the end of the year, there'll be very few, if any key applications that aren't in the development pipeline... or published,” he said.

Apparently, Google itself has reconsidered their position towards releasing native applications for the mobile operating system, and is currently actively discussing the release of such software, given that Windows Phone is gaining more market share.