Gamers can choose how good the alien is at hunting

Dec 10, 2014 09:20 GMT  ·  By

The development team at The Creative Assembly and publisher SEGA announce that their recently launched Alien: Isolation is now getting two new difficulty levels, Nightmare and Novice, which are designed to expand the range of gameplay challenges that players will have to face in the survival title.

Basically, the two companies want to bring back players who believed that evading the xenomorph and the other dangers of the game was too easy, while offering a way for newcomers to explore the story without failing too much.

The Nightmare mode in Alien: Isolation seems to pose a lot of problems to players, who will no longer be able to get all the info they need to survive.

The official announcement states, “Explore the world of Sevastopol with a motion tracker featuring a damaged display and undependable information. Resources will be even more limited, the map systems have gone offline and fellow survivors and synthetics are even more deadly and aggressive.”

The Artificial Intelligence powering the alien has also been updated and he is now better able to hunt and to adapt to various situations, which will make him more lethal when detecting players.

The Novice mode for Alien: Isolation is designed to make Sevastopol simpler to navigate.

The Creative Assembly adds, “You’ll be given more resources and ammunition, with synthetics and fellow survivors being less troublesome. Our Alien will also be more forgiving, more easily distracted and less aggressive in his hunting style.”

Alien: Isolation is getting the new modes on all platforms for free.

Alien: Isolation will get more content in the future

The Creative Assembly has already said that it is working on more downloadable content for Alien: Isolation, which is designed to open up new areas of the space station and introduce a range of interesting challenges.

The new game is designed to focus on the atmosphere of the classic Alien movies and ignores everything that was added to the franchise by the ill-fated Colonial Marines.

The Creative Assembly says that it wants gamers to explore Sevastopol and try to find the Ripley to feel trapped and hunted, with the xenomorph always at their back.

The game does not make it easy to run away or to fight the alien threat, and it will be interesting to see how many players will be able to complete the campaign using the new Nightmare difficulty level.

Here is a full Softpedia review for Alien: Isolation to read for more details.

Alien: Isolation Images (7 Images)

Nightmare mode in Alien: Isolation
Novice experienceSevastopol look