The new Alien game is a survival horror experience and has a 4-player co-op mode

Jan 7, 2014 07:01 GMT  ·  By

Alien: Isolation, the next game in the series from Sega, has just received a large description as well as plenty of details via a leaked listing on the Xbox website, confirming previous rumors that it features Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda.

The Aliens franchise was irremediably damaged by last year's Aliens: Colonial Marines, a disappointing game that didn't live up to the expectations of Aliens fans and failed to generate any hype for future movies.

In order to save the image of the brand, it seems that Sega has tasked its in-house Creative Assembly team with bringing forth a new reimagining of the series that won't be an action shooter, instead going towards a more survival horror direction.

Now, after hearing multiple reports and details about the game, a listing for it has appeared on the Xbox website, complete with an official description and quite a few other pieces of info about Alien: Isolation.

"Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother's disappearance," the description reads, via NeoGAF.

"As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive."

The game will have a single-player campaign but apparently a cooperative multiplayer mode is also included, supporting up to four players.

A July 1 release date is also mentioned and seems quite likely, considering it falls on a Tuesday, a regular video game release day in North America.