"Almost too much fun to be healthy for you"!

Feb 3, 2006 09:30 GMT  ·  By

Our little yellow friend has already blasted his way to success on the PS2 and Xbox and is set to be a smash hit on Nintendo's handheld. Alien Hominid on the GBA has certainly been met with critical acclaim from the press:

"Alien Hominid on GBA is absolutely amazing. It's more fun than two square inches of plastic has any right to be," Nintendo Official Magazine

"Almost too much fun to be healthy for you," NEO Magazine.

"Like a desert needs rain, like a town needs a name, the GBA needs love and Alien Hominid can provide this in spades," CUBE Magazine.

Alien Hominid on GBA retains all the super-fast action and irreverent humor of the larger console versions but in a format that you'll really have trouble putting down. Prepare to freak-out all over again with this lovingly crafted slice of pure gaming joy.

- 13 levels of eye-popping insanity including the famous power-ups and huge bosses. - Faithful conversion of artist Dan Paladin's manic comic style to the GBA screen. - A perfect, addictive hand-held experience, exactly what the Game Boy was built for. - Now with an even bigger fan base! The original single-level Flash game has been downloaded over 11 million times.