An evil moth with opposable thumbs and a passion for technology goes after a family

Dec 30, 2012 12:01 GMT  ·  By
An evil moth with opposable thumbs and a passion for technology goes after a family
   An evil moth with opposable thumbs and a passion for technology goes after a family

In case you ended up here by mistake and the title of this article has left you bewildered, check out a creative image one Redditor posted.

Featured above is a user's “conversation” with a moth. The scenario is quite simple: kid goes into the bathroom, kid owns a smartphone, he is scared by a moth and texts his father for help.

The dad never responds, instead his phone is taken over by an evil moth with opposable thumbs and a passion for technology.

I can only assume the insect took out the father, and will proceed to come after the son and possibly rule the world.

This picture, posted to Reddit by dshab92 one day ago, racked up an impressive 1.7 million views and over 53,000 upvotes.