When the little girls hears about Disney World she burst into tears refusing to go

Dec 19, 2013 15:47 GMT  ·  By

This is one special child, as she refuses to go to Disney World, bursting into tears and saying she wanted to go to Mobile, Alabama instead.

Most children would be more than excited by the thought of seeing one of the world's most famous attraction parks, and the tears would be of joy, not under any circumstance of sadness.

The short clip posted on YouTube shows the little girl's excitement before hearing of Disney World, and her heart-breaking tears after finding out her destination.

Her parents ask her if she knows where they are going and then try to surprise the child by telling her they are all going to the amazing attraction park. The little girl's response: “I wanna go to Mobile!” and then runs away crying.

The Disney World surprise didn't turn out the way the parents expected, but at least now they know what to cross out from their family holiday vacation list.