Lots of heroes and gameplay improvements have been added

May 2, 2015 17:47 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft updated Age of Empires: Castle Siege for Windows Phone exactly one month ago, but new version comes with even more gameplay features and improvements.

Patch 1.7 brings some heroes changes that will probably make lots of players happy. For example, developers have fixed an issue with some heroes that attempted to pursue targets at unreasonable ranges, so they will no longer do so.

Also, Charles Martel’s Taunt ability will now draw fire from targets for the entire duration of the ability. On the other hand, Tariq ibn Ziyad and his squad have received health and damage increases. Field of Fire has also received a slight damage increase.

Last but not least, Edward the Black Prince's “Dismantle” ability now treats the Watch Signal Tower as an applicable target.

Apart from the heroes changes, Microsoft also made some gameplay improvements and bug fixes. Some units that had improper duplicate costs and build times across consecutive upgrades have now been properly tuned.

Keep in mind that you need to sign in into Xbox with a Microsoft account to play

Microsoft also fixed the exploit where units could travel to the edge of the map where they could not be attacked. They also addressed several stability and connectivity issues, including server reload connection error.

Age of Empires: Castle Siege players will be pleased to know that the game now features increased storage capacity of Level 10 Farm and Mill Level, and Level 7 Quarry. In addition, the difficulty of several historical challenges has been decreased.

But that is not all. Developers have added chat functionality that allows players to report inappropriate behavior. It's also worth mentioning that alliance chat will no longer jump to the top new entry while trying to read older Alliance chat entries

You can now download Age of Empires: Castle Siege for Windows Phone for free via Windows Phone Store. The game should be fully compatible with all devices powered by Windows Phone 8 and up.