Another online RPG joins Aeria's list of games

Jul 17, 2008 21:06 GMT  ·  By

It seems that massively multiplayer online game publisher Aeria started a huge expansion progress because during the past months, it purchased the rights to distribute a couple of great games, such as Dreamlords: The Reawakening. Now, the company has announced the acquisition of Cronous, the classic MMORPG developed by Lizard Interactive.

The game will be launched in North America and it will surely prove to be a real excitement, at least for nostalgic gamers: Cronous is similar in style with releases like Dungeons & Dragons or Diablo. This means that players can choose classes like Fighters, Valkryries (which are skilful rogues), Magicians and Savages (or Barbarians) and hack & slash their way through the open world, while gaining special attacks or magic spells and skills through leveling.

Cronous comes with over 100 maps and dungeons, as well as lots of quests with variable storylines affected by the player's actions and decisions. It means that this MMORPG is a title able to keep its players busy for a long time - and the Europeans can confirm that. The exclusive North American release of Cronous through Aeria Games will be free-to-play with no upfront or monthly costs. Of course, minitransactions will be available, using Aeria Points.

A beta of the game is expected to kick off this month and, by the end of August, the full release will take place - if everything goes as planned, of course.

Aeria is a game publisher and dynamic community where players can connect, share, and enjoy an unparalleled variety of Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) games from all over the world and, as you can see, the list of games available to be played keeps growing. The company was founded in 2006 and has become a massive player on the online market. If you're interested in knowing what titles it offers, feel free to visit its official website.