47 percent of the Americans have a broadband connection at home

Jul 5, 2007 10:05 GMT  ·  By

The number of the Americans accessing the Internet using a home broadband connection is continuously increasing and it has now reached 47 percent according to research firm Pew Internet. The persons who are connected to the Internet from their homes are divided in two parts: 70 percent of them are already owning a broadband connection, while 23 percent are using a dial-up account. The research company revealed that 40 percent of the African Americans use the Internet with a broadband connection at home, compared to 31 percent recorded in 2006.

"After exhibiting relatively strong growth between early 2005 and early 2006, home broadband adoption in 2006-2007 grew at its slowest rate in recent years. As of March 2007, 47% of adult Americans say they have a high-speed connection at home, up from 42% in early 2006. This 12% year-to-year growth rate is much lower than the 40% rate in the previous period," the company said.

At this time, 71 percent of the Americans are using the Internet from any location such as work or Internet cafes. 94 percent of these persons are also owning a home Internet connection, either a broadband or a dialup one.

"Despite relatively slow growth on a percentage basis compared with previous years, the number of home broadband users in early 2007 is now roughly as large (on a percentage basis) as the entire universe of internet users in the first year of the Pew Internet Project's surveys of online use. In June 2000, 48% of respondents reported going online via any type of connection to check email or access the Internet, compared with the 47% who have a home broadband connection now," Pew Internet added.

The study included no less than 2200 adult Americans and was conducted in February and March 2007.