It's both an ultimatum and a way to save more cash in the wake of financial loss

Jan 21, 2014 13:24 GMT  ·  By

Acer has been trying everything to restore itself to profitability, but nothing has worked so far, or the more recent measures like merging the PC and R&D business units haven't had time to pay off yet.

So what can a company do when it only has what one would call “last resorts” left? Apparently, cut the salaries of the higher-ups.

I've just learned from a report that Acer has decided to reduce the salaries of its top-level executives by 30%.

I can't imagine that the board chairman and president that also holds the CEO post now was all that thrilled. Then again, he is part of the board that made the decision.

I'm not sure how it will affect the search for a new CEO (if Acer even properly restores the position anyway).