Acer nettop to provide fast access to users' favorite applications

Jun 24, 2009 07:03 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this year, Acer made a highly anticipated announcement regarding the launch of its latest Aspire nettop, a small-sized desktop computer system built on NVIDIA's widely praised Ion platform. Dubbed Aspire Revo, the first NVIDIA Ion-based system was designed to provide home users with a computing platform that delivers an optimum level of performance, while consuming less power than traditional PCs. On that note, Acer and DeviceVM have jointly announced a collaboration that will provide future Aspire Revo owners with a bundled Splashtop instant-on platform with their favorite nettop PC. The platform has been branded by Acer as “RevoBoot,” enabling quick access to Internet browsing and favorite applications.

“The desktop market is getting a much needed boost thanks to these slick new nettops, as users demand a lower cost alternative that offers a high performance Internet and multimedia experience,” Mark Lee, CEO and co-founder of DeviceVM, said. “Savvy consumers are making their investment future-proof, getting even better performance by purchasing nettops with Splashtop instant-on Internet access.”

The Aspire Revo combines an Intel Atom processor with an NVIDIA GeForce motherboard GPU, to provide users with an energy-efficient computing experience that offers support for HD playback and a fully featured computing environment. Available in a number of configurations, the Aspire Revo nettop now lets users take advantage of the instant-on platform that has been enabled on a number of netbook PCs from leading netbook vendors. Dubbed RevoBoot, the platform will enable fast access to Internet browsing and favorite applications for future users of the Aspire Revo nettop.

Acer's Aspire Revo is the first system in its segment to adopt the said operating system platform, providing its users with added value. There are no details according to which the nettop's pricing will be affected by the new bundle, which means users will be able to take advantage of a fully featured PC at the same price tag.