As the animal grew, the shackle kept damaging its flesh

Sep 14, 2012 14:31 GMT  ·  By

Probably due to the fact that animal cruelty is not yet punishable by law in China, one or more persons saw fit to get a 2lbs steel neck shackle and make a dog wear it for the rest of its life.

Because this shackle was fitted on the dog's neck when it was just a pup, the animal soon found itself suffering seeing how, the more its neckline outgrew the shackle, the deeper the latter made room for itself in the dog's flesh.

Thanks to people who do have a few thoughts to spare when it comes to animal rights and making sure that they are respected, the pup was freed and it is expected that its wounds will soon heal.

As well as this, police officers are doing their best in tracking down the culprits and see to it that they are made to pay for their deed.