Two more women recently died

Mar 20, 2006 10:03 GMT  ·  By

Two more women have died 2 days ago after taking the abortion pill called RU-486, totaling so far 7 deaths related to this pill. The agency investigating this case said it is analyzing the reports from the manufacturer of the drug but has not been able to confirm, so far, the exact cause of death.

Four previous victims seem to have died, after undergoing abortion, by a blood poising caused by the common bacteria Clostridium sordellii, which rarely causes death.

It still remains unknown if the women died from a bacterial infection, but it seems suspicious that the death occurred a few days after taking the pill. RU-486, also known as Mifeprex or mifepristone, is used for terminating pregnancies no older than 49 weeks.

Misoprostol is given two days after the abortion to complete the process. The four earlier deaths occurred after women were given misoprostol vaginally, rather than orally, the recommended method of administration.

Since its approval in September 2000, 560,000 women have been using it. On the label, its makers warn about the possible side effects, including rare fatal infections, a thing which also occurs after surgical abortions.

Doctors were warned by officials to be aware of the possible infections which may come with RU-486, while being on the look out for symptoms as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.

If they suspect an infection, antibiotic treatment should be prescribed immediately. While investigations regarding the risk of the drug continue, abortion opponents, who have fought for so long to keep the pill out of the United States, have demanded for it to be put out of the market.