The man had won a personalized video by donating to Paul's charity

Dec 18, 2013 14:10 GMT  ·  By

It's nice to have celebrity friends, but it's even nicer when you can get celebrities to do favors for you. This happened to Jason Lord, a man who had donated to Aaron Paul's charity and thus won a personalized video. He thought he might use that to propose to his girlfriend.

In the video, the man can be seen performing a version of the Mr. Big song “To Be With You” which, as explained to us, was the first song the couple performed together while inebriated on their first date.

At the end of it, Aaron pops up on a big screen and addresses the soon-to-be wife “I just wanted to send you a message on behalf of a good friend, Jason - think you know him - who I understand has a very important question to ask you.”

After she said yes, Paul adds “I couldn't be happier for you” and concludes in typical “Breaking Bad” fashion “Yeah [explicit]!” while giving a thumbs up.

If you're interested in just the heartfelt moment and would like to skip over the preparations and the song, just go to the 5:24 mark and watch Aaron Paul help someone propose. If you'd like to get the full background story, you can watch the entire 7 minutes of the video entitled “Jason & Jackie - A Modest Proposal.”