Sound quality and performance speed were both praised

Nov 12, 2011 10:38 GMT  ·  By

The ASUS Transformer Prime tablet isn't something people would expect to see tested already, but the device, or at least an early engineering sample, did, in fact, get an early hands-on test.

The Prime is already turning out to be one of the few products of 2011 that succeeds in living up to its hype.

Already it is getting praised for its audio and performance, even while still as an engineering sample.

Like pretty much everyone else, we didn't really expect such a fast hands-on test, even one like this one, which wasn't overly in-depth.

After all, NVIDIA's mighty Kal-El Tegra 3 platform only showed up a few days ago.

Nevertheless, Mr. Henrique Martin form ZTOP got the prime somehow and, besides making the video above, also wrote a few things about the test here.