The PS3 comes second after high-def DVD players, so it's good for the 1st place as well

Feb 20, 2007 07:43 GMT  ·  By

Normally, you shouldn't be cheap in life and you should get only the best for your indoors entertainment. AOL has thought of this aspect and made up a list of five gadgets that you shouldn't buy because of diverse reasons, but mainly because of their price. The PS3 was sure to be found amongst those five and, of course, the reason is the price (double the 360's price and thrice the Wii's). Oh, and lack of good titles of course, which is total bogus.

You wouldn't rather have Pokemon and Legend of Zelda kind of games, now would you? The making of good games takes a lot of time and beta testing, so if poorer titles would be hitting the console then the PS3 would do even worse than it already does. Now, concerning the price. Isn't it normal for a machine as powerful as the PS3 to have a high price? After all, only the Blu-ray diodes made manufacturing costs go through the roof, so nothing is abnormal concerning the console's price.

Having said that (I hope you're on the same level with me here), let's ask the final question. How do those at AOL know what's good for us and what's not? And not only do they do that, but they also encourage us to buy other systems, fairly good ones nonetheless but at a much lower price, which obviously means poorer performance: "If you're simply looking for a fun game system, you can find a Nintendo Wii or Xbox for around $400. You could also simply wait for more PS3 games or for the system itself to come down in price."

OK, now I'm mad! Whether I'm as rich as David Beckham but I don't want to tell anyone, or as poor as the lowest living bum on East Side, I am entitled to do whatever I want with my money, even if I decide to blow 2 months' rent on an entertainment system. So for those at AOL, you should really learn when to keep your mouths shut.