They forgot to add something: 'yet'

Nov 23, 2007 13:55 GMT  ·  By

The rumors we have already been talking about seem to have reached the target. It is very likely that simple words, once laid down even digitally, get a contractual value. This might have been a little scary for the AMD monster who quickly decided to draw it all back. Or this could be as well seen as divulging corporate information... who knows?

The allegedly harmless chat about the trends and directions in gaming physics after the Havoc acquisition turned into a sledgehammer for AMD, and the same Huddy, who clearly stated that AMD is thinking about acquiring Ageia, is now coming with explanations and excuses.

"I think my words have been taken to mean more than they really do. I said that I wouldn't rule it out and I said we're not likely to splash $100M on a PPU vendor, and I said that we go through the arguments every few months.

That's certainly not something that I would have headlined as 'AMD considers buying Ageia'. The thought has certainly passed through our minds - but then humans think about a lot of things, and if you look at what I said I also point out that the cost is crazy high, so actually I come very close to ruling it out?

As far as I can see there's really no news here. Everyone in the industry understands that Ageia's primary aim is to just to be bought, and we're one of the companies that needs to work out whether we think it makes sense", stated Richard Huddy for the Inquirer staff.

There would have been few chances for AMD to have the financial capability to buy Ageia, now that they have learned their exact price in the physics battle. Moreover, the AMD treasury is about to be depleted due to the critical condition the company has been facing for the last 12 months, but Ageia is a must for AMD to survive the harsh game reality.