TEMS company starts using Vidyo’s telepresence software

Apr 26, 2012 15:08 GMT  ·  By

There is a certain Telemedicine Encounter Management Systems company (TEMS) that strives to serve the field of medicine. It is called AMD Global Telemedicine and has formed a partnership with a supplier of personal telepresence.

AMD Global Telemedicine and Vidyo have begun a collaboration meant to combine the former's telemedicine platform with the latter's video conferencing software, specifically Vidyo for Healthcare.

Essentially, the goal is to give healthcare professionals access to high-quality and affordable video communication on all sorts of devices, like laptops, phones, tablets, desktops etc.

In other words, if a device has Internet access (3G/4G and other general IP networks), it should be able to act as a means of direct communication between doctor and patient, or among professionals themselves, etc.

"There is an increasing demand for workflow integration that allows healthcare practitioners to have all of the tools they need – including a live, natural view of the patient - at their immediate disposal," said Dr. Amnon Gavish, Vidyo's senior VP, Vertical Solutions.

"The point-of-care solution that will result from the Vidyo-AMD Global partnership will not only improve the productivity of healthcare professionals but will also enable quicker and more informed diagnoses and decisions and allow visual communications – along with input from AMD Global's medical devices, measurement of vital signs and access to medical records tools - to be part of examinations, making the experience much closer to an 'in-person' appointment."

It should not take too long for the two companies to complete an API or two that will give doctors a program that will allow communication and retrieve/display medical information from devices and records at the same time.

The ATA 2012 conference in SAN JOSE, California (April 29 to May 1) is where the first solution will be demonstrated. It will perform device management, tap into the AGNES information aggregation system and optimize work flow, archiving and case creation through the tConsult Encounter Management Software. UPDATE: Corrected all AMD entries to AMD Global Telemedicine.