Dec 1, 2010 11:29 GMT  ·  By

Advanced Micro Devices recently answered some questions about its general plans and it seems that, as far as the netbook and tablet markets go, the company is quite intent on pushing its product as long as it keeps seeing business opportunities.

AMD may not be able to address all the market segments its technologies could serve all at once, but it gives all it has on those that it does cater to.

The company even answered some question recently, about its general plans and what it has in mind for those segments of the market that analysts are most mindful of right now.

One of the queries dealt with the outfit's plans for the netbook front and how it plans to handle the slowing growth.

To answer that question, AMD's CEO Dirk Meyer stated that internal data still predicts large on-year sales growth even for 2011, of 20% that is.

This means that total shipments of netbooks will reach 20-30 million, so AMD is quite intent on putting on a good show.

The main element of its efforts on this market will be the Super Mobility platform, which should also power new ultrathin laptops and give entry-level systems some gaming and multimedia capabilities without causing the price to rise.

Tablets are also on AMD's to do list, though not as pressing as netbooks, or so one might interpret the words of AMD's CEO.

The Sunnyvale, California-based outfit feels that slates do have a high growth potential, even though, for now, they are just supplemental to PCs.

Regardless, if a good business opportunity, as Meyer calls it, emerges, AMD will be sure to try its chances.

CPUs based on the Bobcat, and scheduled to be released in 2011, may be used to power slates, even though their prime target market is that of notebooks. Of course, the final decision will belong to the tablet suppliers themselves.