Could it be "probably the best processor in the world"?

Apr 26, 2007 07:13 GMT  ·  By

In a frenzy of changes by major processor manufacturers, Advanced Micro Devices, which is one of them, should have the biggest effect over its faithful audience, changing the Athlon brand name.

Even though this should be the least of their concerns at the present time, according to Polish website,, AMD is going to rename the Athlon brand which they have used thus far, in exchange for Phenom; no, that's not Phenomenon, of Phantom, or even Venom if you were considering the idea is AMD Phenom. Based on this, the derivatives for AMD's processors might be Phenom X2, Phenom X4 of Phenom FX. That is if they are to keep the FX series, and not rename this as well.

In the light of the extremely secret conference AMD is holding in Tunisia, where they will show or at least talk about their new line of processors, AMD Agena, Barcelona, and their line of graphics cards, the ATI Radeon HD/R600 series, AMD is bound to either strike gold, or go broke. At this conference, there has been talk of Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) which were almost forced upon all of those journalists present there. Those whom weren't "persuaded" into signing such agreements, were politely asked to leave, which makes all of us waiting-for-almost-two-years-for-this wonder 'why all this secrecy?'.

When it comes to NDAs and respecting them, a lot of "undiscloseable" information has been leaked on the major websites about the Agena processors, or should I call them the Phenom series, or was it the STARS, I can't seem to remember. Also R600-based graphics cards such the