The ASK T806 comes with the same design as Nokia's phone, but with different features

Jan 12, 2007 13:51 GMT  ·  By

There are some Chinese mobile phone manufacturers (although not all of them), who tend to borrow close to everything from the design used in phones that are released by more famous manufacturers such as Nokia, Samsung or LG.

One good example of such a mobile phone would be the ZTC 321, that showed up right in the middle of all the iPhone rumors, looking, of course like and iPod phone and attracting a great deal of curiosity.

Another phone that can easily be included in this category would be the T806, presented by ASK, because it's not hard to notice, at first sight, how very similar this mobile phone is to Nokia's N80, at least from the design's point of view.

The design is also where the similarity between the two phones ends. While Chinese manufacturers like ASK will adopt such a design, they almost always prefer to equip their phones with different features. Thus, the T806 smartphone features a 2.4 inch LCD touchscreen, 1.3 megapixel camera that can be used for both snapshots or video recording in H.263 or MPEG format, a built-in MP3 player and hand writing recognition.

While the camera allows video recording, it is only logical that the phone should provide more storage space, and it does, due to the MicroSD card slot for memory expansion that is also included. Aside from that, the ASK T806 also includes dedicated music controls as well as all the usual features such as organizer, to do list, and more. The smartphone is currently priced at HDK$2380, but apparently you can get one in Hong Kong right now, for HDK$998.