If your phone is hijacked by a thief, you can make his life miserable with the screaming feature added by the Mobile Manager from Synchronica.

Sep 15, 2006 08:41 GMT  ·  By

Yes, you did get that right. Your mobile phone will scream its "lungs" out for you, whenever a well intentioned person, to be read "thief", decides to relieve you from the burden of carrying your credit card size smartphone. And yes, this is probably the long awaited revenge against thieves, by all people around the world. I'm already giggling at the thought of a robber having in its hands a hybrid between a phone and a hailing siren.

The Mobile Manager Service provided by Synchronica will lock and wipe the data on your mobile phone, in such manner, that your phone will become unusable to the thief, besides making your phone scream his "heart" out, with the help of the Synchronica Scream feature. All you have to do in such a case is to report the theft at the Synchronica call center, and your phone will be locked and screaming for you in a few seconds, making the thief live the worst moments of his entire life. Even tough he could stop the phone's screams by removing the battery; the next time he wants to use it again, it will still scream like bitten by a snake. Now I just wonder: if you'd want to buy a second hand phone from such a person, would you buy a blocked and screaming one?

Carsten Brinkschulte, CEO of Synchronica, said that "according to industry sources, it takes on average only 30 seconds for someone to notice that their phone is missing, compared to an hour for a wallet or purse. Using our service, crime victims can be reassured that their information is immediately removed from the stolen phone, along with the satisfaction of annoying the thief with a screming handset."

In conclusion, Synchronica's new service seems to offer mobile phone users all over the world the opportunity to strike back in force and style, and leave the thieves jobless. I tell you: beware!