Definitely not your casual clock

Sep 29, 2008 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Clocks are items which can really make a noticeable difference when it comes to setting up a room or creating a specific style for the space you live in. No matter whether we're talking about table clocks or their wall-mounted counterparts, it's all about what one really wants to underline. Like any other accessory, clocks should match their owner's personal style and environment, otherwise, they are nothing but some objects randomly placed in a defined space, without adding to the personality factor... and sometimes even being a disturbing presence.

One particular clock has drawn my attention today: Jonas Damon's Numbers clock. An almost uncanny presence in the field of home decorations, yet with a powerful stylish appearance and by all means breathing a fresh approach.

Far from bringing a completely new idea, I'd rather say that Numbers build on a retro basis but tread other paths than I had expected in the first place. “Numbers” consists of four semi-independent acrylic polyhedral blocks, linked together with small lengths of cable, bringing power and the needed commands to each one.

One of the facets of these blocks comes with a LED number, only visible when lit; the cool thing is that the cable between these blocks is short enough to make the Numbers handy and easy to install, while at the same time long enough to let you re-arrange and optimize the way you want your clock to look like. You can now stack or spread these number blocks as you wish, thus adding a more flexible side to your time-tracking habits.

Jonas Damon's Numbers' blocks are 1” wide/deep and 1.5” tall; this clock comes in several color combinations, among which red or white numbers with black blocks, red numbers in red blocks, a yellow-yellow variation and a neat pale blue numbering with royal blue casing, thus being easy to install in almost any décor. And if you plan to get your hands on a nifty clock without passing the $100 line, then Numbers could be one of the finest choices. And yes, it's got an alarm, of course.

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Photo Gallery (6 Images)

Jonas Damon's Numbers clock
Numbers in yellowThe Numbers' royal blue version