The concept has been around since the 6th century

Oct 8, 2013 19:36 GMT  ·  By

When you’re passionate about a certain field, it’s always good to know its history. In case you’re passionate about ethical hacking, here’s a clever infographic put together by Trustwave.

What many people don’t know is that the concept of ethical hacking has been around since the 6th century when the first versions of the modern chess game were played.

In the 19th century, such games were used to help armies in preparing for battle. In 1974, the US Air Force conducted one of the first ethical hacks to find out just how secure the Multics operating system was.

The term “ethical hacking” was first used by IBM’s John Patrick in 1995.

Today, major organizations spend large amounts of money on penetration testing. Training courses are being offered and IT security solutions providers have started developing more and more sophisticated on-demand penetration testing services.