Jun 24, 2011 19:01 GMT  ·  By

Though this story is not as scandalous as that of the mother who gave her daughter Botox at 8 to make her pageant-ready, it’s already inflamed a lot of people: the latest episode of “Toddlers and Tiaras” shows footage of Chloe getting adult beautifying treatments.

The general opinion seems to be that TLC’s show has long crossed any limit of common sense and is now verging on child abuse, where the mothers put their children through hell just so they can live again through them.

Chloe, aged 9, seems to be the case. The latest episode of the show shows her being taken to a salon to get a beauty makeover that is supposed to up her chances of winning an upcoming beauty pageant, as the video below will confirm.

She gets blonde highlights in her hair because her hair is not pretty enough, she gets temporary veneers because she’s lost some teeth and growing new ones (like any other 9-year-old out there) and she gets her eyebrows waxed.

Any woman can attest that waxing is not among the most pleasant or pain-free things she has to do as part of her beauty routine: it takes years before the procedure is no longer painful.

For a child, one can only imagine how insufferable it can be – and Chloe certainly doesn’t seem a fan. While she says she’s excited about getting her hair done, she says she doesn’t want the wax.

She doesn’t have that much of a choice, though, as her mother makes it clear.

“If it would come down to facial beauty alone, she doesn’t have that particular look that a lot of judges are looking for,” Chloe’s mom says.

“She does have brown eyes with the dirty blonde hair. It doesn’t stand out like a beautiful red-head or a blonde-haired, blue-eyed child,” she adds, explaining why these treatments are necessary.

Chloe is not the only child to have been shown on camera getting the painful eyebrow waxing, regardless of how viewers at home and the media criticized the mothers.

In another episode of the show, another small girl cries her heart out when she’s getting her eyebrows done – you can see that clip too below.