A total of 30 activists now risk being charged with piracy

Sep 30, 2013 18:51 GMT  ·  By

This past Friday, authorities in Russia decided to jail 22 Greenpeace activists. A day later, 8 other environmentalists were detained.

By the looks of it, all the Greenpeace members that now find themselves in police custody in Russia are to spend two months behind bars.

During this time, Russian authorities will try to determine whether or not they are guilty of piracy.

"A further eight Greenpeace International activists have been detained for two months in Russia pending an investigation into possible charges of piracy. The eight will join 22 others," Greenpeace explains in a blogpost.

"Greenpeace International pledged to appeal all 30 detentions," the organization adds.

The activists ended up in police custody after two of them protested oil drilling in the Arctic by climbing aboard an oil rig owned and operated by Russian company Gazprom.

Not long after this incident, Russian officials raided one of Greenpeace's ships, i.e. the Arctic Sunrise, and arrested the people aboard it.