Rapper has a change of heart, says he wants people to be happy regardless of orientation

May 22, 2012 10:41 GMT  ·  By
Rapper 50 Cent causes a stir with recent comments on gay marriage and equality
   Rapper 50 Cent causes a stir with recent comments on gay marriage and equality

Rapper 50 Cent could never before be described as gay-friendly, but he's had a change of heart just recently. In a new interview, the star comes out in support of gay marriage – but then puts his foot in his mouth by speaking of a need for “straight organizations.”

Known for his anti-gay Twitter tirades and the way he made light of anti-gay violent acts, Fiddy recently recanted on his previous stance by saying that, if Obama could do it, so could he, Pink News reports.

In other words, he claimed that love and happiness were all that mattered, adding that we shouldn't be so fixated on gender where they were concerned.

“I think everyone should be happy. I think a fool is going to go against same sex marriage at this point. Look how long it took him [Obama] to say he was for same sex marriages. You understand?” the rapper said in an interview with Vibe Magazine, as cited by the aforementioned media outlet.

“I’m up for it. If everyone else is for it, then hey, to each his own. I don’t have personal feelings towards it because I’m not involved in that lifestyle. I want people to be happy. It makes for everything to be better,” Fiddy added.

Even so, supporting gay marriage doesn't make it right, he went on to say, in more or less words.

As 50 sees it, straight men are practically in danger with all these gays wandering around, and they need protection, which can only be granted by what he likes to call “straight organizations.”

It's a reversal of roles, and Fiddy doesn't seem to like it.

“We need organizations for straight men. We do. We need organizations for straight men in the case you’ve been on the elevator and somebody decides they want to grab your little buns,” the rapper explains.

“Times are changing. Those organizations are set up for at one point they were being attacked for those choices. Now its completely different. Obviously [being gay] is more socially accepted,” he adds.

Because of that last part of his statement, 50 Cent is now being criticized for supporting same-gender marriage only because the likes of President Obama and rapper Jay-Z have also spoken out in favor of it.

In other words, voices online are saying that he's the same homophobe as always – but now he's also added hypocrite to his name.