Simple exercises using body weight, courtesy of trainer Marco Borges

Nov 24, 2009 21:21 GMT  ·  By
Get a body like Beyonce’s in just five minutes with Marco Borges’ full body workout
   Get a body like Beyonce’s in just five minutes with Marco Borges’ full body workout

The holiday season is drawing near and this can only mean one thing for all fashion-conscious women out there: they must start dieting and working out more than ever to fit that fabulous dress they plan to acquire for New Year’s Eve party or some such similar fancy event. Luckily, trainer Marco Borges, who previously worked with Beyonce and Gwen Stefani, has just the thing for them and he’s willing to share it in a recent Us Magazine piece.

The idea behind the five-minute, pre-party, full body workout that Borges recommends is that most women these days are far too busy to find the time to stick to their gym subscription or to go out for a quick workout in the open air. Because of this, instead of getting no exercise at all, this trainer to the stars has come up with an easier, less time-consuming routine that will, nonetheless, offer amazing results in terms of toning the body and making those few extra pounds melt away.

What’s even better, Borges tells the mag, is that these exercises don’t even require weights or special equipment of any kind, because all five of them have been devised in such a way that they use the body’s own weight. Jumping plies, for instance, is one of the five moves. “Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your back straight and abs contracted. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor and – using your glutes, legs and core – explode into a jump straight into the air and then return to your starting position to repeat.” Borges says for Us Magazine.

Reverse lunges and push-ups are next. “Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart and step back into a lunge. Be certain to maintain a straight back and tight abdominals throughout (the forward knee should be in a direct line over the heel for maximum safety). Return to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.” the trainer of reverse lunges says. “The push-up is quite possibly one of the simplest and best body weight movements targeting the muscles of the chest, arms, shoulders and core. Begin in a plank position and lower yourself to the ground using your arms, flexing at the elbow. Once your chest is almost touching the ground, return to your starting position and repeat.” he further explains of push-ups.

The remaining two moves meant to get our body into the ideal shape in just a few minutes are dips and side planks. Since Borges says that women should dedicate exactly one minute for each move before switching to the next, this makes for five minutes – and not more – for an intense workout that is also believed to improve the appearance of the skin, by making it look younger and more glowing. For the full details, please refer here.