The organization is aware of these scams and it has published an advisory on the topic

Nov 5, 2013 10:30 GMT  ·  By

Scammers are using a new story in an effort to trick internauts into handing over personal information and money. They’ve started sending out emails on behalf of Charles Francis Feeney, or Chuck Feeney, a businessman, philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies.

Cybercrooks are sending out emails purporting to come from Feeney or the organization he has founded. They hope that by exploiting the reputation of a well-known philanthropist, they can increase their chances of success.

The bogus messages promise recipients various amounts of money. Users who respond to the emails are told to pay some fees that are allegedly needed to complete the transaction.

The Atlantic Philanthropies is aware of these scams. The organization warns that it has nothing to do with the emails and urges internauts to report such bogus notifications to [email protected].

If you want to learn more about these schemes, you can check out the special page published by The Atlantic Philanthropies on this topic.

Several variations of The Atlantic Philanthropies scam are currently making the rounds. Check out three of them:

Version 1: “Compliments of the day to you from Atlantic Philanthropies, We know this message maybe a surprise to you but do kindly accept our gift and donation as a kind gesture from our ongoing good will project 2020.

Our founder and CEO, Charles Chuck Feeney has indeed been a great Philanthropist to this generation and is truly committed to ‘giving while living,’ and his decision to end his requirement of anonymity stems from this value.”

Version 2: “My name is Charles Francis Feeney, a philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations in the world.

I believe strongly in ‘giving while living.’ I had one idea that never changed in my mind — that you should use your wealth to help people and I have decided to secretly give $1.924 Million to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as the lucky individual.”

Version 3: “Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation Electronic Notification Service

Congratulations from from the Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation-United Kingdom, where life changing opportunities and cash are given-out on a daily basis! Our foundation/founder has indeed been a great Philanthropist to this generation and is truly committed to ‘giving while living.’”