The meeting takes place at the Convention Center in Burbank, California

Nov 26, 2013 14:29 GMT  ·  By

It might seem surprising, but 3D printing is getting big, big enough to warrant its own periodic, yearly convention, so that's what everyone worked hard to set up for January 31, 2013.

On that fateful day, all the big names in this new industry, and some smaller ones too, will converge at the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel and Convention Center in Burbank, California.

There, the first edition of the 3D Printer World Expo will take place, involving the largest ever collection of 3D printers and live demos of the latest technology in the field.

Over 40 educational seminars will be held as well, spread across four different education tracks: Commercial 3D Printing, Desktop 3D Printing, Learning with 3D Printing, and Modeling and Monetizing 3D Printable Designs.

There will be contests too, monetary prizes (character art, abstract art, jewelry competitions, CAD) and even been travel funds granted to educators and students outside Southern California.

Basically, 3D is becoming an intrinsic part of technology, and the 3D Printer World Expo will make it official.