Keep playing with the thing and you'll gain control over the rainbow

Dec 5, 2013 12:26 GMT  ·  By

I've heard of many ways that could control an entire building's lighting system, but every once in a while one will show up that can leave people gobsmacked, as can happen in any technological field really.

In this particular instance, I get to describe to you how a Rubik's Cube can be used to control a building's outer color.

The Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria, is a large, cubical building, so Javier Lloret decided to install the Puzzle Facade on it.

Basically, the whole building glows with the colors of the rainbow (and some besides). Said colors will change according to how you manipulate a 3D printed Rubik's Cube.

I haven't learned if anyone set any record in “solving” the – let's call it Rubik's Building –yet. I imagine they'll want to keep the process going instead of finishing it quickly.

Puzzle Facade (4 Images)

Puzzle Facade
Puzzle FacadePuzzle Facade