Adjustments to fit the platform's performance.

Jan 17, 2007 11:03 GMT  ·  By

German developer's Crytek upcoming sci-fi first person shooter has its greatest demand in the console world and the opportunity can't be missed.

Best known for the 2004 shooter Far Cry that was released for the PC platform, the boys at Crytek have their way cut out for them if the plan is to be put in application. Major graphical modifications are required in order to fit the game to the console's specs according to 1UP Yours. As the game has the incredible visual fidelity to thank for its great appearance, making alterations would not be recommended, yet taking some of the basic elements to have a new game built over them sounds a little bit more suitable, keeping in mind that Crysis is one of the first games to take serious advantage of Microsoft's DirectX10 technology, something that the 360 definitely lacks.

Though it sounds like a real possibility, EA assures us that intentions of releasing a Crysis game for Xbox are just speculations and that Crytek is still concentrating its resources on the PC version of the game.

The PC power needed to run the game is enormous, not everyone is able to afford a system of such performance, so the rumor of Crysis actually having its console version sounds like a very good idea, at least for those who already own one. Even if it is a rumor now, some serious thought is surely being put into this plan because the demand is huge. He who has got his hands on Far Cry knows what to expect from a Crysis development.

If a Crysis version is to be made to fit the 360's specs, some modifications will be necessary, but for now, nothing official has been stated, so we'll just have to wait for further notice.