7 of the marine mammals died, the others managed to make it back out to sea

Sep 24, 2013 18:46 GMT  ·  By

This past weekend, a pod of 30 large dolphins commonly referred to as false killer whales beached themselves in northeastern Brazil, on a beach in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Nature World News tells us that, according to information shared with the public by local media, just 23 of these marine mammals successfully made it back to their natural habitat.

Thus, six passed away shortly after they had beached, probably because the stress of being out of the water proved too much for their body to handle. Another one was attacked by a shark not long after it had returned to the sea.

Wildlife researchers say that, for the time being, they cannot say why it was that these dolphins beached themselves.

Since dolphins are social creatures, they suspect that they followed their leader as the latter was seeking refuge in shallow water, either because it was injured or because it was ill.

It is also possible that the dolphins came a tad too close to shore as they were hunting fish.