Having to defend your phone with every neuron you've got

Jan 20, 2015 10:53 GMT  ·  By

As we gravitate towards an era where mobile computing is slowly becoming the status quo, the age-old debate of Mac versus PC is morphing into iOS versus Android. The platforms have changed, but the arguments haven’t.

Apple still prides itself on quality and design, while the competition boasts things like customer choice and market share. At the end of the day, everyone is free to use whatever suits their needs best. Yet somehow we still quarrel over which platform is superior. Actually, I suspect we enjoy fighting over these things.

It’s about the experience

iPhone users will remain unfazed at any argument you give them about Android’s endless array of customization options, connectivity features, expandable storage, screen size, even the lower price. In fact, the price thing is the one that ticks off many of them. “A flawless experience demands a greater price to be paid,” they’ll tell you. As a Samsung Galaxy owner, you’ll probably need to think of a new approach to get your point across, because your’s isn’t any cheaper either, is it?

iPhone users love design

From the finely-tuned unibody chassis that holds together the electronics, to the underlying software that has sparked the smartphone revolution, Apple iPhones are universally liked. Well, at least by those who don’t feel an urge to prove Apple users wrong. Take anyone who doesn’t live in the tech bubble, hand them an iPhone and a Samsung, and see which one they pick purely based on fit and finish.

Yes, everyone is biased these days, and it’s ridiculous to see how important it has become for everyone to always be prepared for a verbal confrontation with members from the opposing camp.

It goes the other way around too. iPhone users prefer to remain clueless to Android’s offerings, and that’s not necessarily a good thing either.

It just works. No really, it does!

Even though this catchphrase has somewhat lost its value in recent times, it still applies well. By all accounts, the iPhone just works. Even a monkey can take it out of the box, power it on, and start using it. It is the most intuitive thing since the steering wheel! If you ask an Android user, if it’s that simple, then it’s stupid.

Partially, they’re right. Because all that simplicity comes at the cost of leaving out some features. Then again, on the Android side, more features and freedom open the platform to cybercrooks. Whichever way you look at it, things tend to even out. If you’re blinded by subjectivity, you can’t see the bigger picture.

Of course, not everyone is interested in the technicalities that make up a phone. Some people just prefer to enjoy a good experience without putting too much thought into how their phone came to be. There are ignorant people, and there are busy people. Both groups may pick an iPhone, but they’re not necessarily in the same boat.

A problem best left to evolution to handle

At the other end of the spectrum, Android users have every right to feel superior for knowing how their phones work. As well as feel frustrated when their phones don’t work, despite boasting twice more RAM than the latest generation of iPhones.

It’s a hopeless debate, folks. It’s not how big yours is, or even how you use it. It’s purely a lack of understanding from both sides, and the urge to come on top. Something I’m afraid we’ll never shake as long as instincts still dictate our actions.

Disclaimer This is a Personal Thoughts piece reflecting the author’s personal opinion on matters relating to Apple and / or the products associated with the Apple brand. This article should not be taken as the official stance of Softpedia on Apple-related matters.