Tech giants have been battling over taking control of the educational market

Oct 3, 2013 15:16 GMT  ·  By

According to recent information, Chromebooks and touch-based laptops where the ones keeping the notebook market alive in the United States, during the Back to School period.

Now a new interview conducted by Business Insider with Google VP of Product Management, Caesar Sengupta showcases the extent to which Chromebooks have been embedded in a significant areal of schools across the country. Sengupta stated that 22% of all K through 12 school districts are now using the devices.

Up to 175,000 items were purchased in the Back to School period due to the discounted offers and wide range of choice. Sengupta commented on the numbers saying “We are heavily investing in Chromebooks. There’s two different segments we care a lot about.” He was referring to K-12 schools and general consumers.

Recently, two new companies have joined the Chromebook bandwagon; we’re talking about ASUS and Toshiba, the first with its ASUS Chromebox. The second company is yet to unveil a Chrome notebook, but increased availability of such devices will certainly attract consumer interest.