The broadcast platform will offer news from top news organizations

Mar 17, 2009 14:41 GMT  ·  By

1Cast, the broadcast platform that offers up-to-the-minute news video to smartphone subscribers as well as on the Web, announced that CNBC, The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, Reuters, AFP and others would be the first to distribute their daily news via the company's service.

Having Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg, CBC, CNBC, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, which includes, MarketWatch, Barron's and AllThingsD, as its premier partners, 1Cast turns into the largest video news service of the kind, while also being able to offer latest video news coverage for users in the areas of their interest on both smartphone devices and desktops.

“Consumers are clearly interested in easily accessing and viewing a broad spectrum of news programming and consuming it on their terms, whenever they want and wherever they are,” said Anthony Bontrager, president of 1Cast, Inc. “As the leading single source of free, near real-time video news programming from some of the world’s most respected news organizations, 1Cast helps consumers quickly and easily find and enjoy the news that matters to them most.”

The personalized news service offered by 1Cast allows users to create their custom video playlists or “Micro-Casts” on specific topics. The content is updated continuously throughout the day, and users are enabled to visit the service on their iPhone or Android smartphone to get the news. At the same time, the service also allows them to share their Micro-Casts with friends via email or blogs, social networking sites and other web portals through the 1Cast embeddable video player.

The broadcast partners stated that 1Cast's service opened new ways of delivering information to consumers. “We are delighted to make our programming available through 1Cast’s innovative service, which enables the delivery of up to the minute news content to a wider audience and enhances the consumer experience,” said Sebastian Laver from Reuters.