The sculpture is the creation of a Turkish professor named Mehmet Kavukcu

Jan 24, 2014 13:06 GMT  ·  By

A Turkish professor by the name Mehmet Kavukcu is now making headlines, and he has an ice sculpture that he recently completed to thank for it.

Ice sculptures have been created before, which is why one might wonder what makes the one pieced together by this professor special enough to deserve being featured in newspaper articles.

Not to beat about the bush, here is the answer to this question: 15 cow heads. The 15 severed cow heads that are embedded in the fairly large cube-shaped ice sculpture, to be more precise.

Thus, a giant iron frame hanging from the ceiling stands at the core of this artwork. The frame is encased in ice, on which the animal heads rest.

As noticeable in the picture next to this article, some of the ice also encompasses the animal body parts.

The professor got the cow heads from a slaughterhouse in the area, and says that he decided to include them in his work in order to stress that, regardless of how strong one might be, violence always gets the best of them.

Thus, according to Daily Mail, the professor created the artwork in an attempt to get students at the Ataturk University in Erzurum, where he currently teaches a course in photography, to ease up on being violent.

Apparently, it was last year when a group of young people studying at this university had a not-so-pleasant encounter with police officers, the same source tells us.

More precisely, the students are said to have attacked the officers while in a canteen.

Interestingly enough, Mehmet Kavukcu says that, since his ice sculpture was set in place, the young people involved in said incident have become somewhat less prone to experience bursts of violence.

The project was also intended to raise awareness of violence in Turkey, and the professor feels that it has served that purpose well.