Pro-renewable state policies are to thank for the green jobs growth, E2 says

Dec 5, 2013 09:58 GMT  ·  By

Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) has released a new report documenting how planned investments in green projects will affect the US' job market.

The report details that, in the third quarter of the year 2013, a total of 80 green-oriented projects were announced in 30 of the country's states.

These projects range from investments in harvesting green energy sources to recycling and promoting clean transportation, and are expected to create some 15,000 new green jobs.

California, Nevada, New York, Michigan, Texas, Kentucky, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and New Mexico all ranked in the top 10 states to offer new green jobs.

Of these 15,000 job opportunities, 6,700 are linked to renewable power generation. Another 3,300 will be available in the manufacturing sector, especially in the fields of vehicle and wind harvesting technologies manufacturing, E2 says.

By comparison, just 10,800 new green jobs were announced in the third quarter of 2012, Clean Technica reports. Then again, 38,600 jobs are announced in this year's second quarter, so one might argue that there is still room for improvement.

The people who pieced together this report say that, as far as they can tell, state-policies that encourage sustainability and the use of green energy are to thank for the recorded growth in the green jobs market.

They warn that, unless the government continues to back up green initiatives, the green jobs market will plummet.