Aug 3, 2010 09:51 GMT  ·  By

Warcraft Darkness Rising is constructed on the Ashenvale tileset with a size of 224x224 of which 212x212 playable. We recommend that you play this map with 12 players (6 on each team).

The game tells the story of events that happened between Warcraft II and the first Thrall Campaign of Warcraft III.

Depending on the color you choose, you will gain control of various forces that can have simple or more complex tasks.

Red: you are the Blackrock Clan led by Blackhand the Destroyer. It is your objective to wipe out the forces of the human resistance.

If you fail in keeping your main cities of Blacktooth Grin Camp and Blackrock Spire, you will gain Ner'zhul and Shadowmoon Fortress.

If Blackhand dies you will gain Teron and Ogrim Doomhammer as Warchief.

Blue: you are the human nation of Lordaeron and it's your objective to lead the Alliance and take part in the destruction of the powerful Orcish Horde. Teal: you play as the Elves of Quel'thalas. If the Alliance hits 5 victory points, you will obtain Tarren Mill.

Purple: you take on the roll of the Human nations of Hillsbrad, Gilneas and Kul'tiras. It's up to you to protect the Troll Zul'jin and prevent his escape to freedom.

You should also attempt to take whichever island comes under the Orcish occupation.

Yellow: you are the Dwarves of Khaz Modan. The mighty horde is on your very borders so you must choose whether to hold the line or try to help Stormwind survive the attacks.

Orange: you'll be the Human Nation of Alterac. There are two possible outcomes: stay within the Alliance, but only if they obtain 15 victory points, and only before the Orcs gain 9.

If the horde is succeesful than you gain Grom Hellscream and Warsong Clan. If the Alliance wins you'll gain Southshore.

Green: you are the Troll nations of Zul Gurub and Zul Aman. Your leader Zul'jin is being held captive in Hillsbrad.

You only have to fight the elves early on, but once the horde reaches 6 victory points, everyone will be able to enter your ancestral lands.

Pink: you are the Orcish clans of Shattered Hand and Stormreaver. Once Moonbrook falls you will obtain it as a base and the same goes for Stormwind and Zuldare, Tol Barad and Balor after that.

Gray: you control the forces of Dalaran and the forces under General Mograine's command.

It's your objective to either go to the sea and help purple capture the islands or fight on the frontlines. You have the most powerful mages in the game and many other unique units!

Light Blue: you play as the Twilight Hammer Clan and gain control of a camp once you conquer Northshire. You will also gain Darkshire ruins after you conquer it.

Dark Green: you're the Nation of Stormwind. You are beset on all sides by the Orcish Horde. You can choose to escape and gain Stromguarde or fight to the death.

Brown: you are the Dragonmaw, Thunderlord and Bleeding Hollow Clans. If you bring Zuluhed to Grim Batol you will gain a massive fortress there.

The war has started and only the right choices can make the good prevail and the darkness fall. Will you be able to make the right choices?


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