Jan 26, 2011 14:33 GMT  ·  By

Without a doubt, Samsung has some truly peculiar ways of promoting its products and enhancing brand awareness, one of their latest European campaigns prompting the Korean company to actually launch 100 SD memory cards into space.

As PhotographyBlog informs us, the project is meant to demonstrate the huge impact modern technology has on the way we capture, store and share memories, and involves the launch of 100 paper planes, each carrying a very important cargo, namely some bits and pieces of information and memories pertaining to a real person, participating in this project, saved onto an SD memory card.

The paper planes have been released at 125,000 feet, in the Earth's upper atmosphere, after being lifted via a helium balloon usually used to measure weather conditions.

The planes are expected to reach Earth in a pretty bad condition, since, during their flight, the planes and memory cards will endure winds of up to 200mph or higher and temperatures as low as -40 °C and as high as 85°C, depending on their re-entry speed.

“By harnessing the power of technology and the elements, Samsung is bringing people together from around the world in a fun and unique campaign, centred on our passion for sharing memories. The fact that each message will have stood the test of powerful natural forces makes it all the more intriguing to see the end results”, says Stefanie Summerfield, Head of Business Development – Memory for Samsung.

Last, but certainly not least, we'll have to mention that, should you happen to come across one of the aforementioned paper planes, Samsung asks you to visit http://projectspaceplanes.com/ask, in order to become an active part of the project and to have a chance to communicate directly to the person whose personal life you've had a glimpse at via the SD card.