What do you do when it becomes too hard to play, smash the controller?

Mar 23, 2007 10:34 GMT  ·  By

Ever played those impossible to beat games? Sure you have, otherwise you wouldn't be a true gamer. Isn't it that some games are just too hard to finish and sometimes it's because there's a small key on the bottom of the ocean, that you can't find because it's a "rusty key" and it doesn't even shine? Well, that's a poor example but nothing came to mind at the moment, sorry. What IGN calls today "Top 10 Tuesday" is a list of ten games such as the ones I referred to above: "Impossible to beat!"

Their weekly Top 10 doesn't refer only to the best 10 games on a certain console, or the best in a genre. No, they can also be the worst games, the worst game endings, 10 worst looking characters or whatever, and today it's the top ten impossible to beat games. Titles like Devil May Cry 3, Battletoads, MDK2, F-Zero GX or Mega Man frustrate gamers with never-ending obstacles to pass in order to accomplish a certain goal or simply cross on to the next level. But which game do you think stands tallest in the category? It's Konami's Contra. No, not Contra Hard Corps, but the original Contra game.

The gaming site reckons that progress in the game is virtually impossible without gamers entering the Konami code. Further more, the main reason for which Contra made number one in IGN's 10 toughest to beat games list is solely because of one hit kills. You have to admit that one hit kills are practically the most annoying thing in a game, starting all over again just because something as small as a bullet hit you. They're not real life you know... (that's the 10-year-old inside me talking). Anyway, check out the whole list and see which games you can beat. Still, what do you do with those games when it comes to achievement points? As Joystiq's Blake Snow comments on this aspect too: "If these were the only games to feature Achievement Points, you'd be broke." Nice one Snow.