Going at a rate of 80 creatures per minute

Jun 26, 2008 07:28 GMT  ·  By

Spore has taken the world by surprise and with the help of the Creature Creator, Maxis made sure that by the time Spore launches in September, everyone will be familiarized with the intricacies of creature building. My colleague reported last week that users from all over the world had uploaded more than 250.000 creatures and there was no sign of slowing down.

All those creatures go to a special place called Sporopedia, where anyone with a licensed copy of the Creature Creator will be able to share and search for weird animals, put comments and even import it to your own computer. Lucy Bradshaw, executive producer of Spore at Maxis had this to say, "Maxis is excited, humbled and inspired by the explosion of creativity that we've seen with the Spore Creature Creator online, I'm amazed at the creations I see getting uploaded to the Sporepedia, whether it's a realistic looking bird or animal, a 10-eyed alien, or something completely bizarre and unexpected like a creature that looks like a motorcycle, it's clear that people have an innate desire to be creative, and we're thrilled to help them express themselves".

Even if a large number of creatures are made with the trial version of Creature Creator, I'm sure that no one at Maxis had any idea it would get this big. The creation that broke the one million barrier is called Sapiusgeenus (a two legged green alien) and was uploaded by FlamingChidori (if you get curios enough to search it on Sporopedia).

There will certainly bee a huge increase in uploads once the game sees the light of day on 5 September but until then, an average upload of 80 creatures per minute is not bad at all. If you get bored, you should test drive and refine your creations until you get them right. There is no limit to imagination and, apparently, there's also no limit to what Spore can do.

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