The protest against Donald Trump and his project

Mar 4, 2009 09:52 GMT  ·  By
Plane Stupid activists protest against the extension of the Aberdeen airport, which is intended to allow Donald Trump and his rich friends to land near their private golf resort
   Plane Stupid activists protest against the extension of the Aberdeen airport, which is intended to allow Donald Trump and his rich friends to land near their private golf resort

Activists from Plane Stupid Scotland, an environmental organization opposed to the aviation industry, have recently blocked an Aberdeen airport, protesting against its expansion. The construction is funded and supported by Donald Trump, who wants to build a longer runaway, on which he and his rich friends can land their private jets, in order to play golf at a resort built on what used to be an area of special scientific interest. Of course, because Trump wanted so, that classification disappeared over night, and the important area is to be converted into a golf course.

The people that have come to protest against this state of affairs have split into two groups. While one has been playing a game of golf inside the perimeter of the airport and on the runaways, others have gotten on top of the terminal and hanged a banner saying “Nae Trump Games with Climate Change.” One of them has been dressed like the billionaire himself, so that people would not mistake them for terrorists. They say they find it impossible to believe that individuals in the area do not feel the need to express opposition against this damaging set of decisions.

“Despite a catalogue of scientific reports warning them that they can’t keep on with aviation growth – even if that hinders their ability to jet in for a weekend of golf – they continue with disregard for all of us, who will end up dealing with the impacts of the climate crisis. The reality is that our generation’s future is vanishing so that people like Donald Trump and his super-rich friends can jet into Aberdeen for a round of golf. The expansion of this airport just cannot go ahead,” activist Jonny Agnew, who has been part of the protest, explains for the media.

Some twelve flights have had to be canceled on account of the protest, but the activists have cleared the runaway on their own when police representatives told them that an infant was sick and that it needed immediate transport to a hospital. The police has independently confirmed that a child was indeed sick, and has appreciated that the protesters allowed the plane to take off. Nevertheless, all nine of them have been arrested in the morning.

Donald Trump has managed to get people who lead the area on his side with well-placed gifts, as well as with the promises of jobs in the region. It remains to be seen just how many locals will be hired to serve a bunch of very rich guys on their own private golf resort. A description of the gold project can be found here.