CoreBrand CEO thinks Apple's advertising campaign 'may have taken its toll' on Microsoft

Mar 21, 2008 09:32 GMT  ·  By
A screenshot from the 2007 CoreBrand rankings with variations since 2004
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   A screenshot from the 2007 CoreBrand rankings with variations since 2004

CoreBrand tracks over 1,200 of the world's best corporate brands, currently sporting the largest continuous brand benchmark tracking system. According to the brand power-tracking company, Microsoft's plunging to a humiliating No. 59 could, to some degree, be a result of Apple's "Hi, I'm a Mac" ads.

"The effect of Apple's 'Hi, I'm a Mac' advertising campaign may have taken its toll on Microsoft," said CoreBrand CEO James Gregory in a statement. "The launch of a series of new products, following a long, relatively dormant period, will be closely watched to see if it will have a positive impact on the Microsoft brand."

Among the tech-based companies losing ground is also Motorola, which has dropped to No. 94 from No. 83 - the company's spot in 2006. Best of all though, even if CoreBrand reckons Apple's 'I'm a Mac' ads have something to do with how other tech-based companies' are currently ranked (after all, CoreBrand themselves have issued them rankings), the power trackers didn't even put Apple on the list.

The Cupertino-based corporation does stand a good chance at making it on that list pretty soon, and on a good spot too. Apple's iTunes has recently been declared the second-largest music retailer in the United States. Researchers are predicting that Apple's online store is likely to kick Wal-Mart's arse this year.

Also, Apple's iPhone just took the lead in the US thanks to Safari, as far as mobile web browsing goes. The mobile version of Apple's Safari is the second most used browser for the same reasons in the UK, according to the latest reports. Think this counts for something...?

Each year, CoreBrand conducts 12,000 telephone interviews among business leaders to measure their perceptions of some of the world's best corporate brands. Respondents are business decision-makers from the top 20% of U.S. businesses.

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A screenshot from the 2007 CoreBrand rankings with variations since 2004
A screenshot from an 'I'm a Mac' advertisment
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