'Original' iPhone game crafted by Kenichi Nishi and Kenji Eno

Aug 29, 2008 06:49 GMT  ·  By

Field System has released newtonica, an "original" game for the iPhone and iPod touch. Newtonica is a minimal-defense shooting game which has players flicking their devices to rotate the Star Panel Sphere so that the falling meteors hit the cores with the matching colors. The game is available on the iTunes App Store for US$4.99.

The official press release, although pretty shallow, says that "newtonica" is a new game developed especially for the iPhone and iPod touch by a team of two game creators "who already have a string of hits to their names". One of these guys is Kenichi Nishi, who was responsible for planning and game direction. He is known for games like "moon" and "Giftopia". Kenji Eno, on the other hand, managed the sound part. The report says he “surprised and awed fans with his "D" and "Enemy Zero".

Back to newtonica's description, the game was designed to "take advantage of the touch-panel operations of both the iPhone and iPod touch, using simple, yet beautiful, graphics". The minimal-defense title also uses the iPhone's accelerometer. Therefore, players are able to flick the device in one direction or another to move the objects on-screen.

The iTunes App Store description of the game says you should "get high" playing it (as opposed to getting high on something else, or what?).

Open the Starpanel. Click and rotate the sphere to catch the falling meteor on the same color core as the meteor. The more you catch the meteor, the great your life-gauge gets. If you keep on failing to catch the meteor, the game is over. Newtonica is the defensive shooting game with the minimal action. The innovative game producers got together to develope [sic] this original game rightly tuned to the intuitive interface of iPhone and iPod touch. Get it downloaded and play. Get high with playing newtonica!

Newtonica calls for an iPhone or iPod touch running firmware 2.0 or higher.